week 5: accomplishments

What am I willing to settle for as having achieved one year from now? In one year I want to have finished junior high. I also want to have finished my trek book so I can start my second book on time. Also I want to get more ducks so I can start getting more egg’s to sell. I also want to have grown my lawn care business.

What am I willing to settle for as having achieved on my 18th birthday? By my eighteenth birthday I want to have a well paying job and saved up enough money for college. I also want to have bought a car.

What am I willing to settle for as having achieved at age 25? By age twenty-five I want to be married, have a job and have a house. I also want to have been to Hawaii.

How can the strategy of going the extra mile help me attain these goals? According to the Cambridge Dictionary going the extra mile is “to make more effort than is expected of you”. If in one year I want to have finished my trek book it’s going to take hard work to finish my book. My parents aren’t going to make me do it. If I want to do it that’s my decision. It would be so much easier to me finish my book if I use the principle of going the extra mile. For example I have three more weeks to finish my book if I use the principle of going the extra mile I will finish faster. If I want to grow my lawn care business than I should also use the principle of going the extra mile. Right now I have one customer that I am mowing lawns for with my brother. A couple weeks ago my brother and I gave out twenty-five fliers that I made, If I want to grow my business than I should go the extra mile and print more and hand give more out during my lunch break every day. I can because I am homeschooled.176. If I want to have a car by age eighteen than I should go the extra mile and start saving up now rather than spending my money on other things. If I practice the principle of going the extra mile than I will be able to accomplish all of these things and more and I might be able to go to Hawaii.